Sunday, March 15, 2015

"Healthy" YUMMY Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Jesse's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies 

For quite some time now I have been trying to modify chocolate chip recipes to taste better with less butter, sugar and additives. I think I have FINALLY found one that works! 

You will need: (Makes 3 batches= Approximately 20 good size cookies) 

3 Cups Unbleached flour 
2 Cups Wheat Flour 
1 C Flax Meal 
1 1/2 C Brown sugar 
1 C Agave 
3 tsp Baking Soda 
2 Sticks unsalted butter 
3 Eggs 
3 TBS Vanilla 
1 1/2 C Chocolate chips 

1. Take the unbleached flour, wheat flour, flax meal, Baking Soda and brown sugar and mix in a bowl. 

2. In a small sauce pan melt the butter and add the agave. (NOTE: If you have any of the butter and agave mix left over. Put it in a small dish and cover it. Makes a GREAT spread for rolls, toast,etc.) 

3. Mix the eggs, vanilla, butter/agave a little bit at a time and mix together. The mix should be a semi sticky and moldable consistency. If it isn't then you can add bit more of the butter/agave. 

 4. Lastly, add the chocolate chips. 

5. Roll the dough into balls that are about 2 inches tall and wide. (note: My mom likes to use an ice cream scoop. Works great!) 

 The pan that you see in the picture is AWESOME. I got it from Pampered Chef. There is no need for parchment paper or spray oils or anything. You roll the cookies into balls and place on the pan. Then into the oven. 

6. Cook the cookies at 375 degrees for 6-12 minutes depending on your oven. I know mine cooks hotter. So, I have to cook them for about 8 minutes. 

Yummy Cookies!!! 


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