Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year my Friends! 

After some much needed R and R and family time we are going to be hitting the ground running with various ways to save money. Now, there are going to be different tips and tricks throughout that you might be willing to try or not. Either way I say, "ROCK ON!" 

I am going to start the year off with a healthier and flavorful alternative to blueberry muffins! We are going to make 2 batches. We will leave half of one batch out to eat and freeze the other batch and a half. 

Jesse's New Year's Blueberry Muffins

3 C Unbleached Flour
1 C Wheat Flour 
3/4 C Unbleached Sugar (Raw but fine grain) 
1/2 C Unsalted melted butter 
2 Eggs 
2-4 C Almond Milk 
2 TBS Baking Powder 
1 TBS Cinnamon 
1 TBS Vanilla 
3-4 C Frozen Blueberries (Depending on your taste) 
Regular muffin tin cups 

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Take the flour, wheat flour, sugar, baking powder and cinnamon and mix them together. 
  3. Mix the butter, eggs, almond milk and vanilla in a separate bowl. 
  4. Add the wet mix to the dry mix and stir until all the ingredients are mixed together. They will have a semi-spongy texture. 
  5. Add the frozen blueberries. You should be able to look at the mix and see an equal amount of blueberries to the actual mix. 
  6. Get the regular muffin tin cups and put them in the muffin tin. 
  7. Fill up each muffin cup until it is about 1/4 inch from the top of the cup. 
  8. Next, put the muffins in the oven for  20 minutes. 
  9. After 20 minutes you can double check that the muffins are cooked all the way through if you just take a knife or a skewer and poke it into the center. If the knife or skewer comes out clean then they are finished. 

VOILA! New Years blueberry muffins! 

Happy Berry'in! 

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