Friday, July 20, 2012



Smart Tips

After you come home and you are ready to put the food away in the fridge, remember these tips:

            -Put the veggies in clear containers so that you know what is in the fridge.

            -If you bought broccoli or cauliflower make sure and chop it up in order to be able to make quick and easy meals.

If you are getting to put the bulk foods such as flour and couscous here is a cheap an easy idea to store them:

            -Buy some mason jars with lids. They don’t only seal up to repel insects but they are also clear so you can see what is inside

If you have bigger bulk items such as bulk from Costco then store them in rows on top of the fridge so you can see them clearly.

Dinner Recipe (Night #1) FAMILY OF 3

Approximate Price for Meal Ingredients
 1   Large Can Vegetarian Rosarita                       Refried Beans
2 Tomatoes
1 tsp. Chili Powder
Already had =$0
Salt and Pepper to taste
Already had =$0
½ Onion
1 Cup of Lettuce
3 Oz. Cheddar Cheese
30 Don Pancho Tortilla Chips
$3.82 !!!!! WOW!

1 comment:

  1. Less than Four dollars is really good, considering it fed three people. WOW!
